Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions to make you happy

Don't "treat" yourself.

In the long run, will that extra brownie, glass of wine or impulse purchase make you feel better — or worse? Think of a guilt-free “treat.” For instance, I save one of my favorite perfumes to use as a special treat when I feel blue.

Imitate a spiritual master.

First, identify your spiritual master, whether a great figure from history, a person you know or even a fictional character, and next, study his or her teachings. Then comes the challenging part: figuring out how to translate the values and aims of your spiritual master into your own daily life. My spiritual master? St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the “Little Flower,” because of her emphasis on showing great love through the little, ordinary actions of everyday life.

Abandon a frustrating project.

The quickest, easiest way to finish a project that has been hanging over your head is to abandon it. Instead of feeling guilty every time you look at that half-knit blanket, just admit you’re never going to finish, give the yarn to someone who will use it and let yourself move on to a new, more enticing project.


Resolve that the next time you feel overwhelmed or exhausted, you’ll jump up and down a few times. When I run down the stairs, do morning jumping jacks or skip on the street (to my daughters’ utter embarrassment), I get a quick hit of energy and cheer. Feeling silly is part of the fun.

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