Friday, July 2, 2010

Time to Get Caught Up

I am not super-sure how this blog works as far as dating posts... I am just going to start from the beginning and if I can alter the date to correspond with the thought, well then I will just do that.

But first, it's my 45th birthday! I have been up since 3AM, not unusual for me since I sometimes fall asleep on the couch mid-evening, then can't get back to sleep. It's not all bad; the very early morning seems to be my most productive time. Clear, focused thoughts, a list of things to do swirling in my head, the energy to do them.

Bird just flew at the sliding glass door.... Bertha, who is perched on the table in front of me, is a-raptured! Earlier, wish I'd been able to photograph Harry grooming Blossom... tough and tender; he's still a Boy but he's awfully sweet to my girls.

I can see a few wasp nests on the railing of my deck... that now goes on the list. Took a lovely photo of the valley this morning... about 49 degrees, misty and damp. Hope to post that as part of my journal of the day. Of course, no one but me and my staff knows I have the day off today Nice to have a secret! A secret day off, no requirements, no deadlines, just a "me" driven day. It's a nice indulgence. And I want it to LAST!!

I love this new computer! Can't really "imagine" having it perched on my lap (still don't have that much of a lap to accomodate it!) like you see on TV... cuz that's what I want to do is look like the folks on TV!

Seems like the last month or so was stressful. Funky stuff with clients, medically challenging and involving cases, emotionally draining persistent issues. I have written pages in my carry-with-me journal/day-book all pertaining to the topic, "I Hate People." Isn't that sad? About the time I was thinking, "I need a break cuz I'm getting burned out," Natalie asked me if I'd like some Fridays off. SOOO glad she wanted to give me this one off!

Our 7th Anniversary BAH Party is coming up! Looking forward to it. Most of the prep is done (well, on my end... will try to help Ted and Judy at their end -- my cook and my hostess!).

Love my new car. My new used car is a 2001 Subaru Forester. It is only one year newer, but has 50K less miles on it than my Jeep, and that's considered low miles. I like the color - very neutral. I love that she's paid for! She's AWD, getting about 22mpg, turns on a dime, and her name is ZIPPY! Zippy Scooter. She's fast. But I can go incognito, cuz I look like I'm driving the Mom Car. [Cop: Oh there's some mid-40's lady off to pick up the kids. Haha, no I'm not! I'm driving too fast to Wal-Mart to pick up cat food! Cuz I'm a Crazy Cat Lady who likes to drive too fast!! Fooled ya!]

OK I have some other topics to explore. Next...

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